Featured Stories


Return to work

Return to work

Washington state program serves as model in the search for better workers’ compensation results
The Centers of Occupational Health and Education program – part of the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries – is designed to get injured workers back on the job while curbing long-term disability rates.
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Trends in personal protective equipment

Trends in personal protective equipment 2018

PPE manufacturers and industry insiders discuss technological advancements, what their customers want to know, and what's on the horizon
Personal protective equipment manufacturers speak with Safety+Health about current trends in PPE, the challenges their customers are facing, and new technologies that are here or on the horizon.
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Training survey

Training Survey 2018

Safety pros talk budgets, challenges of training
How much do employers spend on worker safety training? Who gets trained, and what methods are used? Safety+Health presents the results of its third annual training survey.
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Robots in the workplace

Robots in the workplace

As new technologies bring robots side by side with human workers, what are the safety implications?
As new technologies bring robots side by side with human workers, what are the implications for occupational safety?
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No cellphones while driving

Looking to increase worker safety, employers are enacting policies banning use of electronic devices behind the wheel
As part of their efforts to increase worker safety, more employers are enacting policies that ban the use of electronic devices behind the wheel. What are some key elements of a cellphone policy?
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talking safety

Speaking of safety

Changing the atmosphere around safety conversations
Why does safety advice – whether offered by a safety pro or discussed between co-workers on the front line – often fall on deaf ears? Four experts spoke with Safety+Health about “changing the atmosphere” around safety conversations.
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2017 Job Outlook

2017 Job Outlook

Are safety pros looking to change jobs?
Are occupational safety and health professionals looking to change jobs? Safety+Health presents the latest results from its annual survey.
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