

Working in a cold environment

Workers who are exposed to extreme cold may be at risk of cold stress. Hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot and chilblain are all examples of illnesses that can be caused by extremely cold or wet weather whenever temperatures drop.
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Work safely in floodwaters

Floodwaters can be contaminated with any number of dangerous substances that may cause serious illness or even death, such as micro-organisms, sewage and industrial waste. It is imperative to maintain good hygiene when working in areas affected by floods.
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Prevent floodwater illnesses

Cleaning up after hurricanes or other storms exposes cleanup workers to floodwaters, which can carry some serious health risks. Floodwaters can be contaminated with micro-organisms, sewage, industrial waste, chemicals or other substances that can cause illness or death, according to OSHA.
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Stay safe and warm

Working outside in the winter exposes employees to a number of hazards, including the risk of weather-related conditions such as frostbite. Cold weather can affect the body's senses, altering the ability to see, smell and feel, according to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
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Working in the rain

The potential hazards present on a worksite can be exacerbated during inclement conditions such as rain. Working in the rain can cause slippery surfaces and limited visibility.
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Fight off frostbite

Superficial frostbite, in which the skin feels cold and numb. The surface of the skin will have a white waxy look, with grayish-yellow patches in affected areas.
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Avoiding heat-related illnesses

Working in the hot summer sun can cause more than just discomfort. Serious medical conditions such as dehydration, fainting and heat stroke can send many workers to the hospital – and can even prove fatal in some cases.
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