

Too sick to work

Too sick to work?

Paid sick days may reduce the risk of workplace injuries and illnesses, but economic concerns are preventing mandates in some states
Worker safety advocates say paid sick days result in healthier workplaces. Several states and municipalities are considering legislation that would require employers to provide paid sick time, and proponents say the movement will continue to grow.
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MSHA issues final rule on coal dust

Arlington, VA – The Mine Safety and Health Administration on April 23 released a final rule intended to lower miners’ exposure to coal mine dust and help end the prevalence of deadly diseases collectively known as black lung.
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Agencies bicker over NIOSH poultry study

Washington – NIOSH Director John Howard is accusing the U.S. Department of Agriculture of misinterpreting a recent NIOSH study on increased poultry-processing line speeds and the effect on worker safety.
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