Lone workers


The one-person safety team

The one-person safety team

Three professionals share their experiences of being the only dedicated safety pro onsite
In some organizations, the safety team consists of one person. What challenges does this create? How does a safety professional avoid feeling isolated and keep up with important trends when he or she is all alone? Three safety pros weigh in.
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Lone Worker

Lone worker safety

Organizations can take steps to ensure safety for people who work alone
Solitary work is a fact of life in many industries. How do organizations ensure safety for employees they cannot see? Safety experts and government officials offer advice on protecting lone workers.
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Working (safely) from home

Employers can take steps to help keep teleworkers safe
Telework can offer plenty of benefits for employers and employees alike. But how can companies promote safety for workers who are out of sight, working from a home office? Learn some tips from safety professionals, human resources directors and other telework experts.
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Keeping linemen safe

Utility workers often face life-threatening hazards to get the job done
Utility linemen face a variety of on-the-job hazards. From high-voltage contact and confined spaces to working at height and exposure to inclement weather, what’s being done to promote a culture of safety within the industry?
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Alone but not alienated

Promoting safety among lone workers
Monitoring and managing the safe behavior of a workforce can be a difficult task, even in an enclosed environment. Although the term “lone worker” also covers those performing individual jobs on a worksite – such as a job task in an area of the plant that cannot be easily viewed by co-workers, or even a receptionist in a large office building – the needs of remote workers who cannot be supervised through conventional means present perhaps the greatest challenge.
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