Safety culture


Stop-work authority

Stop-work authority

Empowering workers to halt unsafe situations
Stop-work authority permits any employee at any level to halt a job or task when a hazardous situation appears imminent. “We’ll stop work any time of the week, any hour of the day to prevent that injury,” one safety pro says.
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What the concept means for today’s safety professionals – and their employers
The concept of sustainability is gaining influence in the corporate world. What does it actually mean for employers today, and what part does sustainability play in occupational safety and health?
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Save the Date August 2018

Safe + Sound Week to return Aug. 13-19

Washington — OSHA, the National Safety Council, the American Industrial Hygiene Association and NIOSH are among the safety organizations that will team up for the second annual Safe + Sound Week, set for Aug. 13-19.
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No cellphones while driving

Looking to increase worker safety, employers are enacting policies banning use of electronic devices behind the wheel
As part of their efforts to increase worker safety, more employers are enacting policies that ban the use of electronic devices behind the wheel. What are some key elements of a cellphone policy?
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Safe at any age

Effective messaging for a multigenerational workforce
Today’s workforce includes four generations of workers who grew up in different eras and bring a variety of experience, knowledge and cultures to the job. How can safety pros deliver messaging that effectively reaches this diverse group?
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