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NIOSH initiative focuses on brain health in the workforce


Washington — Optimizing the health and performance of workers’ brains is the goal of a new NIOSH initiative.

Multiple private-sector partners, led by UsAgainstAlzeheimer’s, have teamed up for the Business Collaborative for Brain Health.

“This initiative brings together leaders from organizations around the world to create environments that promote brain health,” NIOSH says. “The collaborative aims to build brain health capital by advancing brain healthy workplaces, communities, and product and service innovations.”

The collaborative, the Health Enhancement Research Organization and human resources consulting firm Mercer have worked together to develop an educational resource: the Brain Health Best Practice Score. It’s designed “to help organizations assess their health and well-being initiatives for promoting brain health.” Organizations of all sizes can use the resource and its accompanying educational guide, Developing a Brain Healthy Workplace.

NIOSH notes that brain health issues cost the global economy an estimated $8.5 trillion annually in lost productivity.

“Promoting brain health is important for preventing cognitive impairment and fostering broader national interests, like economic growth and community development,” the agency says. “Optimizing brain health can help organizations prepare for demographic aging, address mental health challenges and prevent neurocognitive disorders.”

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