Off the job



Bug off!

The most common summer pest? The mosquito. A dozen of the more than 200 types found in the United States and its territories can spread viruses such as West Nile, Zika and chikungunya to people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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How to administer CPR

According to Injury Facts, a website maintained by the National Safety Council, nearly 5,500 workers died on the job in 2022. How many of those workers could have been saved with CPR?
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Safe use of snowblowers

A snowblower can make clearing paths quicker and easier. But it’s important to operate them safely. Follow these tips from the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.
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Keep your vision healthy

Imagine for a moment that you’ve lost your ability to see, or that your sight has been significantly impaired. It’s a scary thought. However, you can take simple steps – starting today – to help keep your vision healthy, the National Eye Institute says.
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Recognize the signs of opioid misuse

Opioid use disorder is defined by Johns Hopkins Medicine as a medical condition in which you’re unable to abstain from using opioids, and behaviors centered around opioid use that interfere with daily life.
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Driving in the dark: Avoid night blindness

You may not know the name for it, but if you drive at night, you’ve probably experienced situational night blindness. It can occur “when you are temporarily blinded by a bright light such as an oncoming car’s headlights,” the Texas Department of Insurance says.
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Stress in the workplace

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, stress levels among many workers have been through the roof. Studies have shown that between caregiving duties, job responsibilities and more, employees are feeling overwhelmed. And stress has been linked to health conditions such as cardiovascular issues, depression and obesity.
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Drive safely in the rain

Rain can reduce or impair your view of the road, the Nevada Department of Transportation points out. Combined with reduced tire traction on wet roadways, “It’s easy to see that driving in the rain needs to be treated with extra caution.”
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