
The latest occupational safety and health news



OSHA updates Legionellosis webpage

Washington — OSHA has revised its safety and health topics page about Legionellosis to include updated information on preventing, identifying and managing workplace exposure to Legionella bacteria hazards.
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DOL announces Office of Compliance Initiatives

Nashville, TN — Secretary of Labor R. Alexander Acosta on Aug. 28 announced the opening of the Office of Compliance Initiatives, a cross-agency effort that the Department of Labor claims will complement DOL enforcement activities “by strengthening and innovating compliance assistance outreach.”
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Study examines role of metabolism in night shift worker health

Spokane, WA — Individual organs in the digestive system contain separate biological clocks that may influence the metabolism of people who work the night shift and help explain a link to shift worker health problems such as obesity and diabetes, a recent study from researchers at Washington State University suggests.
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