Tracy Haas Depa

Former assistant editor


Trends in ... safety tools and knives

Proper training ‘cannot be emphasized enough’
The headlamp on a worker’s hard hat. The lanyard that prevents tools from dropping. The safety blade that smoothly slices through cellophane. These safety tools and knives – and countless more – not only help keep work processes running efficiently, they also help keep employees safe. Here, manufacturing industry professionals speak about what’s new in the field of safety tools and knives, and what workers need to know to stay safe.
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Trends in ... fall protection

Promoting compliance
Fall protection compliance remains a problem across the country. At the 2015 National Safety Council Congress & Expo in Atlanta, OSHA’s Fall Protection Standard (1926.501) was named the agency’s most frequently cited standard – for the fifth year in a row. What are the main barriers to compliance? And what are fall protection manufacturers doing to help?
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Trends in ... head/face protection

Keeping workers safe and comfortable
Head and face injuries can be as minor as a scratch on the cheek or a small bump on the head, or as devastating as a traumatic brain injury. No matter the severity, any head injury is one too many.
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