Office Safety Tips


Fundamentals of Total Worker Health® Approaches

NIOSH publishes workbook on Total Worker Health

Washington – NIOSH has released a workbook it calls “a practical starting point for employers, workers, labor representatives, and other professionals interested in implementing workplace safety and health programs aligned with the Total Worker Health approach.”
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A better understanding of carpal tunnel syndrome

What is carpal tunnel syndrome, and where is the carpal tunnel? Mayo Clinic explains: The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway located on the palm-side of your wrist that “protects a main nerve to your hand and the nine tendons that bend your fingers.” Carpal tunnel syndrome results from compressing this nerve, which produces “numbness, tingling and, eventually, hand weakness.”
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Workplace violence: Know the warning signs

Is your workplace at risk of experiencing a violent incident? Probably not, you may believe. But consider the statistics: In 2013, 404 homicides occurred on the job, according to the 2016 edition of the National Safety Council chartbook “Injury Facts.” And, according to OSHA, roughly 2 million workers report having been victims of workplace violence each year. The agency notes that many additional cases likely go unreported. How can your workplace prepare?
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Workplace holiday safety

With the holiday season underway, people are feeling festive – including at work. But whether you’re decorating your cubicle or taking part in the office potluck, safety should always remain a top priority.
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